
Learning and its Characterictics

 All people deserve to learn.  As we live life, learning always happens.  Learning serves as our stepping stone to move on to the next level of our lives.  But what it really means when we say learning?

            Learning is the process of acquiring or attaining knowledge, skills from either our experiences or from the things being taught to us that will be applied in our everyday lives.  Through learning, one's life will be changed or improved in terms in his/her attitude and behavior.

Learning is said to have three characteristics.  First, learning is fundamental. It is said to be fundamental because it is a process by which an individual acquires or gets various habits, knowledge, skills and attitudes that will help him/her to meet the demands of his life.  Second, learning is interactive.  Everyone needs to interact with other people.  It is said that learning is interactive because people can or will learn while socializing with other people.  People that surround the learner will be an instrument of his learning or vice versa.  As teachers, we can apply this characteristic of learning by giving activities to our students involve groupings.  With this, we can help them not just only to gain more knowledge but also to develop their interaction or socialization with their classmates.  The third one, learning is developmental.  Every now and then we learn, because people never stop learning.  And as we continue to live life, those learning will be developed as we experience it from time to time.